Hillside Township

Citizens Last

Lamp Post

Welcome to Hillside, the greatest township in the land, a place of strictly regimented peace and government distributed happiness. Thanks to the recent semi-coup, we now also have a library and school! But because the semi-coup occurred recently, they aren't quite finished yet. Our gracious Mayor Squirrel would like to welcome non-citizens with open arms, and has announced that all may walk freely in Hillside. If they have a walking license, that is.

Hillside Public Library

Check out some of the popular books at our library!

On Philosophy Hardcover

On Philosophy


We all know the famous Doth philosopher Professor Eldawon, who has taught in many prestigious schools and earned various academic awards. On Philosophy is a compilation of his life's work, and is a wonder to behold, if understood.

On Philosophy Paperback

On Philosophy


We all know the famous Doth philosopher Professor Eldawon, who has taught in many prestigious schools and earned various academic awards. On Philosophy is a compilation of his life's work, and is a wonder to behold, if understood.

The Pesky Journalist


Creeping Vines

18/5/2020 A.D.

Extensive Hillside Repairs

We Need Your Help!

Due to a lack of inhabitants, our beloved Hillside is falling into disrepair. When Hillside opens this fall, we shall ask for your help. The wind and the weather have played part in the temporary destruction of our town. We hope that all citizens shall pitch in the reconstruction effort, for this will(probably) be a fun communal experience that will encourage bonding with all new Hillside citizens. The paths shall be cleared out, the WSM built, and all houses reconstructed, along with all other things we come across. We thank you in advance.

-Rust, Chief Editor of the Hillside Chronicle


27/8/2020 A.D.

Hillside Mayor Elections!

Vote for the Next Hillside Mayor!

The mayoral elections are starting! In the article we will answer a few questions. One of the most important questions: Will online citizens get to vote and run for office? Yes, dear reader, online citizens will get to vote. However, Hillside officials feel that the Mayor should be in person to help our citizens in these troubled times. Another important question is: How shall the voting commence? Well, the mayoral candidates should announce it in disqus, then they shall write or record a speech and post it on the main page of the Hillside website. All citizens shall post their vote via disqus as well. We shall be eagerly awaiting your vote this election, and remember, if you don’t vote right, we have an insane asylum for a reason! Best of luck!

-Rust, Chief Editor of the Hillside Chronicle


Know the authorities of Hillside

Unknown Person


Unknown Person

Scout Trooper 15
Second in Command

Unknown Person

HOA Member

Unknown Person

Hillside Chronicle
Cheif Editor

Unknown Person

Scout Trooper 15
Hillside Chronicle
Assistant Editor